In past few years number of eBook reader rises to a new level. According to a study there are more than 18 million kindle devices in market. And this is we talking about only one device. So, if you are thinking about writing your own eBook then you are not alone.
Many people decide to be an eBook writer due to huge society and number of readers and most importantly easiness of procedure. But eBook writing is easy to learn but very difficult to master.
Learning More to an EBook Writer
Don’t worry, if you don’t know anything about eBooks and you still want to be an eBook writer, and then you can still have a chance to do that since you can learn it by yourself. Either you are already a paper book writer, so you know how to write or you are a blogger and now want to be writer. In each case there are some essential things you must know.
- EBooks are different from paper books, so be sure you are following eBooks specific protocols to write it in great manner.
- You have to follow market trend, if you are writing eBooks for financial purpose (99% chance you are) then write about things which people are searching in these days or buying products.
- You will be a writer of your eBook as well as publisher and advertiser (except in case you hire someone to do this for you).
- Writing an eBook might not be as easy task as it seems in the beginning. So, talk with some people who are experienced writers.
- EBooks must be written in well formatted style, otherwise either it will not appear properly on different device or later you have to make changes, those will be time consuming. For example, once I wrote an eBook but forget to use proper headings, I used custom one, in the end I have to change those all to put TOC in my document.
- If you are new to writing (eBook and book both) then it is highly recommended to start with blogging and after gaining some experience you can start eBooks (don’t worry, this trend is not going anywhere in some days).