People should not simply start ebook writing without having any marketing objectives. Many individuals aim to write very good ebooks but fail to incorporate the proper elements that will make the piece truly enjoyable to read and digest. First of all, your writing style should be unique and express something about your own personality. Provide hard facts and also include some of your own thoughts and ideas by using very direct and straight forwarded statements. The paragraphs should be informative and entertaining for readers. Try to establish yourself as an ebook writer, regardless of how many ebooks you intend to finish, through the way you present yourself and your personality in the several pages.
Choose a certain format by selecting a particular font and font size. A lot of experts recommend using basic fonts like Verdana, Tahoma or Times New Roman in the 14-point range to stay visible because most people will be reading via their computer screens and small portable devices. Ideally, line spacing should be 1.5 to 2 so that the extra white space makes it friendlier for people to read and understand. It’s acceptable not to fill the entire page with words and just keep the statements loose throughout to let the eyes rest every now and then. The content should also be broken up with the help of page breaks, subheadings, enumerations and bullet points. Be sure to number the pages of the ebook. eBook writing usually covers an average of 30 pages. Some experts say that 50 pages are already too much. You can write a second book for further information or break up all your information and thoughts in 2 to 3 ebooks in a series. This will make it even more interesting for readers to read and collect. Links are always helpful to bring in the needed customers for your website.